
Our Services

Streamlined Vision assists community economic and tourism development professionals as well as economic and tourism organizations and consultancies with their projects, such as research, development of short and long term strategies for tourism, business retention and expansion as well as investment attraction, grant writing and reporting as well as marketing and communication plans, work- and action plan development and implementation plans; asset mapping and gap analysis; policy, procedure and bylaw reviews. I assist with retail management projects and downtown vitalization.

A streamlined approach to effective research, development of strategies, marketing plans and key performing measures within realistic timelines and budgets is utilized to assist you with your projects. Through collaboration thought provoking and innovative ideas come to live, we assist with the establishment of a clear vision for your community or clients place in an increasingly challenging market.

We support our clients and provide solution-based responses to a rapidly shifting and competitive global market. We streamline organizational policies and procedures (including land use and zoning), maximize resources and budgets for the best possible outcome.

Projects can be costly, therefore Streamlined Vision provides grant research and writing for project needs.

Streamlined Vision is particularly proud to serve the Indigenous communities and organizations across both Alberta and British Columbia.

See additional resources here

Contact Streamlined Vision Today with your project needs!

Our Services - Tourism Development

Tourism Development

Tourism development is an important tool that creates and supports an increase in economic development activities. It is used to support business retention, investment and attraction and attract new residents. Remember, every investor and business owner has been a visitor first!

Concept & process

Economic Development Services

We assist with leveraging regional and community economic advantages according to the community’s vision. In order for communities and regions to improve their economy, we analyze existing business challenges, identify strategies, as well as practical solutions for improvement.

Our Services - Marketing Services

Marketing Services

Let us help you make sensible decisions on how to maximize your marketing and advertising dollars with tools in place that provide a direct return on your investment.

Our Services - Transforming Retail

Transforming your Retail and Tourism Business

Helping clients successfully transform their business through:
Improving your bottom line by analyzing existing business challenges, identifying strategies and creating practical solutions for improvement.

Our Services - Project Management

Project Management

We know how work intensive a project can be. Let us assist you with our experience and elevate your tourism and marketing projects from the planning stage to implementation, within a fair timeline and realistic budget.

Our Services - Strategic Management

Strategic Planning

Make your strategies and projects more than a wish and your action plan more than a to-do list. Have a strategy and a plan that not only provides direction, but also produces proven results with tangible success measurements is our mission.